President Erdoğan: The human-first approach underpins all the democracy and development revolutions in Türkiye

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the “e-Human” event at Beştepe Nation’s Convention and Culture Center.
“We are a government that has placed people in the heart of all our works with the principle, ‘Let the people live so that the state lives’. The human-first approach underpins all the democracy and development revolutions we have carried out in our country,” the President said.
Stressing that one leg of financial development is material infrastructure and services while the other is highly trained human resources, President Erdoğan stated: “Development doesn’t occur unless these two are combined. Therefore, it would be an insufficient approach to seek Türkiye’s development in roads, bridges, dams, tunnels or buildings alone. We have actually made the true leap forward in the development of our human resources with all its elements including education, healthcare, sports, social supports, etc.”
Noting that every work and every project introduced in Türkiye over the past two decades are aimed at redressing the setbacks citizens face in terms of services and opportunities, President Erdoğan added: “Thanks be to Allah, today, each one of our 85 million citizens in our 81 provinces enjoys a life quality above a certain standard in all realms from education and healthcare to transportation and sports.”