
President Erdoğan: This unjust system, established by the victors of the Second World War, cannot continue forever


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the 35th Session of the COMCEC in Istanbul.

“The Islamic world is easily manipulated since it cannot stand united and tight-knit like bricks in a wall. Despite our economic power, population and means, our words are not paid sufficient heed to in the international arena for we cannot meet on common ground. When you look at our region, what you will see the most is tragedy, suffering, conflict and a great mass of 1.7 billion that wastes its energy on artificial agendas,” President Erdoğan said.


“The weapons, sold by Western arms brokers, mostly shed Muslims’ blood. It is mostly the Muslims who are massacred by proxy terrorist organizations that have ‘Islam’ in their names. Unfortunately in today’s world, there is nothing cheaper than Muslims’ blood or lives. Our 1 million Syrian brothers and sisters, who have lost their lives under barrel bombs, are nothing but statistic to some people. No one, except for a few countries and organizations, cares about the tragedies of the emaciated children in Yemen. No organization, including the United Nations Security Council, hears the cries of the kids recklessly killed while playing on Gaza beach. We see similar sufferings and tragedies wherever we look from Somalia to Afghanistan, from Arakan to Turkistan and Libya. When it is Muslims who are killed, those who are oppressed and suffering are seen not as living people but merely as photos,” President Erdoğan underscored.


“The fate of all mankind, including the Islamic world, has been left to the mercy of 5 UNSC members. The Islamic world does not have the right to freely make a decision about its own future and implement it,” President Erdoğan said. “This unjust system, established by the victors of the Second World War, cannot continue forever. It is no longer an option but an obligation to restructure the international security architecture in accordance with today’s conditions. An order that protects the powerful instead of who is right can by no means produce prosperity, peace and serenity.”

“It is these facts that lie behind our call ‘The World is Bigger than 5’ which we as Turkey voice on all occasions and platforms. It is essential that the international community face these facts.” President Erdoğan noted, pointing out that with every passing day, the global injustice would grow deeper.

“A United Nations, which have not been able to find a solution to the sufferings in Bosnia, Rwanda and Iraq in recent past, and in Syria, Palestine and Myanmar today, cannot resolve the problems of mankind. I hereby would like to reiterate may call to restructure the United Nations Security Council in line with the distribution of the world population and religions. I also invite you, my brothers and sisters, to support our call,” President Erdoğan underlined.

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