President Erdoğan: Turkey is on the side of justice and stands with the oppressed and the wronged

President and Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the party’s Provincial Congress in Samsun.
Wishing Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives in the earthquake in Izmir yesterday and a speedy recovery to the injured, President Erdoğan, recalling his visit to Izmir yesterday, said that the construction works of the new buildings will begin as soon as possible after the cost of the damage is estimated and the debris is removed.
President Erdoğan said: “We are going through a period during which very serious crises take place in all areas, notably politics, economy and social relations, in our region and the world, and during which a new global order, so to speak, is being built. Turkey, in line with the responsibilities placed on its shoulders by its civilization and history, is on the side of justice and equity, and stands with the oppressed and the wronged during this critical period. We protect our own rights on one hand, and share all the means in our hands with all our friends during difficult days on the other.”
Stressing that besides standing on its own feet during the pandemic, Turkey has provided medical aid to 155 countries, President Erdoğan noted: “As terrorist organizations and oppressive regimes attack the lives and honors of our brothers and sisters in our region, we have not turned our back on them like many others have done, but we have actually been a shield to them on the ground. We stand by our brothers and sisters in Syria, Libya and Azerbaijan.”
“Turkey has displayed the same dignified stance everywhere from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, from Syria to Libya and from Cyprus to Karabakh,” the President noted.
Also drawing attention to the attacks on the Turkish economy, President Erdoğan said: “Thanks be to Allah, they could not disrupt our nation’s unity and the solidarity among ourselves. Therefore, we have foiled all the traps they have set. Once we achieve success in this struggle we are still putting out, Turkey will be among the biggest countries of the world both politically and economically.”