President Erdoğan: Turkey is one of the leading countries in renewable energy

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed via videoconference the opening ceremony of newly-built hydroelectric power plants.
Underscoring that the environment of trust created through great struggles and efforts has reflected positively on energy investments, President Erdoğan, recalling that drilling activities have been started in seas with Turkey’s drilling ships, the Fatih and the Yavuz, said: “We have thwarted the games and traps set against our country especially in the eastern Mediterranean. After the eastern Mediterranean, we have taken action for exploration and drilling activities in the Black Sea. Without making any concessions on our rights arising from international law, we will continue our works.”
Touching upon Turkey’s investments in the energy sector, President Erdoğan went on to say: “The biggest share of our energy investments has gone to our renewable energy sector. We see renewable energy in our steps we take these days. We are one of the leading countries in renewable energy. In terms of renewable energy installed capacity, we rank 13th in the world and 6th in Europe.”