President Erdoğan: Turkey is the state of everyone who lives in this country

President and Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at parliamentary group meeting.
“Those, who want Turkey to stand idly by while numerous powers that have turned Syria into a bloodbath roam free in the region, are also the ones who plan to spread the crisis into our lands. We have never allowed anyone to do so, and we never will. We will defend to the end the rights of both ourselves and our brothers and sisters,” President Erdoğan underscored.
“I would like to correct a mistake that has been voiced for a while now. Turkey is the state of everyone who lives in this country, of all our brothers and sisters whether they be Turkish, Kurdish or Arab. That is not all. Turkey is also the state of everyone to heart of whom it is dear, first and foremost of our Kurdish brothers and sisters living right beside our borders,” President Erdoğan said.
President Erdoğan continued his speech as follows: “Comparing Turkey’s presence in Syria with that of any other state or power is an insult to both history and our civilization. If we did not have a presence there, if we turned our back on what is going on over there, closed our borders and our hearts to people coming from there, then we would have betrayed ourselves, indeed. Those, who see everything in terms of money, oil and interests, naturally cannot understand Turkey’s humanitarian and dignified stance. Every step and initiative we take on Syria and other issues, every sacrifice we make, every penny we spend for them, is a manifestation of this stance.”