President Erdoğan: Turkey will assume the place it deserves in the global system

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at a meeting with Youth Representatives held at Beştepe Nation’s Convention and Culture Center on the Occasion of May 19 Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day and TRT Sports’ Publicity Event for Young Talents.
Stating that Turkey has today managed to mobilize its true potential in every field thanks to the climate of stability and confidence ensured over the past 19 years, President Erdoğan said: “Turkey, which is considered ─ whether they accept it or not ─ to be the rising star of its region and the world, will inshallah assume the place it deserves in the global system as a leader country of the 21st century once it has successfully completed the critical period it has currently been going through.”
Underscoring that the incidents taking place in the Balkans, the Caucasia, Iraq and Syria can never be forgotten, President Erdoğan noted: “The massacres, exiles, raids and the banditry that started on the Palestinian lands following the Second World War have reached a peak once again in recent weeks. Hundreds of innocent people, most of whom are children and women, are being killed with high-tech heavy weapons before everyone’s very eyes. The houses of tens of thousands of people are collapsing on their heads. The states and international institutions that lecture the world on democracy, human rights, law, justice, freedom and security, on the other hand, are silently watching this oppression.”
Underscoring that Turkey will do what is necessary for justice and democracy, President Erdoğan said: “If a price is to be paid for resisting oppression and protecting the oppressed, we will never shy away from paying that price. The values, for the sake of which we do not hesitate even for a moment to confront death without blinking an eye and which we have symbolized in our flag and adhan, require us to do so. We know that if we keep silent to what is going on in Al-Quds today, it will be the turn of our other sacred cities. We know very well that if we keep silent to what our brothers and sisters are going through today in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Karabakh and Turkistan, the same oppressors will come to our door tomorrow.”
Further stressing that Turkey will also continue its fight against PKK, FETO and DAESH, President Erdoğan stated: “Just as we give no respite to those who attack our democracy, economy and goals today, we will continue in the same way to stand up to the oppression targeting our brothers and sisters. Undoubtedly, our youth is our greatest source of strength in this historic fight.”