
President Erdoğan: Turkey will never allow the establishment of a terror state right beside its borders


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attends the key handover ceremony of Kayseri Urban Transformation Project.


Recalling his phone conversation with President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, President Erdoğan noted that Azerbaijan was advancing towards its occupied lands and said: “Thanks be to Allah, they have succeeded to take those places back. Noting can escape determination and conviction. When you are determined and trust in Allah, leave the rest to Allah.”

“We will not just watch those who come from thousands of kilometers away and try to establish a terror corridor right beside our borders,” President Erdoğan said.

“We have no aim in Iraq and Syria other than stopping threats against us and looking out for our brothers and sisters’ peace there. Recently, we have seen that the efforts for a new terrorist formation near the Iraqi border in Syria have been accelerated. Let me say this more clearly; there is an effort to establish a terror state there. I would like to say this without beating around the bush: Turkey will never allow the establishment of a terror state right beside its borders. We will do whatever is necessary and drain this swamp of terrorism. I also would like to remind that we have done everything we said so far. This has nothing to do with alliance, friendship or cooperation in other areas. If our interlocutors are truly our allies, we expect them to evaluate every issue on its own merit and respect the outcome. Similarly, instead of giving in to the spoiled attitudes of Greece and the Greek side in the Eastern Mediterranean, they should stand with what is right and the law. Even peeking at the map of the Eastern Mediterranean is sufficient to understand Turkey’s rightful position. Until our interlocutors act in accordance with what is right and lawful, we are determined to put into action our own plans,” President Erdoğan said.

“Everyone, who stood with putschists in Libya instead of the legitimate government of the country, has tainted their democratic record,” President Eroğan underlined. "No country that has supported the pustchists, France in particular, has any right to say a single word regarding democratic struggles in other parts of the world.”

What is the problem of this person called Macron with Islam and Muslims?” President Erdoğan asked. “Macron needs treatment on a mental level. What else can be said to a head of state who does not understand freedom of belief and behaves in this way to millions of people living in his country who are members of a different faith? First of all, mental check,” President Erdoğan said.


“We witness on a daily basis yet another worrisome sign of Islamophobia which has recently been escalating in Europe. The police raid disrespectfully conducted with hundreds of policemen on a mosque in Germany can be explained neither by security concerns nor by any other excuse. This is sheer Islamophobia. The projection of caricatures insulting our Prophet onto the facades of buildings in France, the quasi-bulwark of liberty and secularism, is abject vulgarity. This is called not liberty, but blatant Islamophobia,” President Erdoğan underscored.

“This perilous trajectory shows that Europe, which committed the gravest massacres in human history during the First and the Second World Wars, still has not come to its senses. With the front it has opened against Muslims, Europe is actually preparing its own end. If the European countries want to preserve their positions in the global system which is being restructured politically and economically, they must at once tackle the affliction of Islamophobia in their systems. Otherwise, this affliction will bring down the entire Europe from France to Germany from the inside,” President Erdoğan said.

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