
President Erdoğan: Turkey, with its strong political and economic structure, is the rising star of the new global and regional quests


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held a press conference following the Presidential Cabinet meeting.


Congratulating once again Mr. Ersin Tatar on his election as President following the elections in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, President Erdoğan said: We see the Turkish Cypriots’ preference at the polls as a sign of their determination to build a common future with Turkey. The Greek side’s selfish and spoiled policies, which they have displayed by abusing the European Union and which disregards the other right holder in the island, once again has been once again crushed by the will of the Turkish Cypriots.”

Wishing success to TRNC President Tatar in performing his duties, President Erdoğan said: “Turkey will, as has always been the case, continue to stand with the Turkish Cypriots with all its power and capabilities.”


Recalling that the amount of reserves discovered in the Sakarya natural gas field in the Black Sea has reached 405 billion cubic meters, President Erdoğan said: “The Fatih drilling vessel will start drilling in the Türkali-1 well in the next month. The data we have indicate that we will receive news of discovery, which is as significant and plentiful as was in the Tuna-1 well, from there.”

“Every cubic meter of the natural gas, discovered in the Black Sea, will be used for the prosperity, peace, security and the future of our country and our nation,” President Erdoğan underlined.

Pointing out that the vast majority of political, economic, ideological and military conflicts in the world is taking place around Turkey, President Erdoğan said: “Turkey continues to move forward with determination towards its goals as an island of peace, security and prosperity in the middle of this picture.”

“All kinds of methods, including terrorist attacks, coup attempts, economic traps, efforts for political exclusion, have been employed to deter Turkey from its goals,” President Erdoğan underlined. “We have managed to foil all attacks and schemes. During this period, most of the international organizations and states which claim to carry the banner of democracy, have shown their true color with the double standards they displayed against our country. We have continued to move forward on our path while exposing the hypocrisy of these structures which made it their fundamental policy to stand with any one against us. As Turkey grows greater and stronger, its areas of interest, the issues it is directly or indirectly involved in naturally expand. Some of these interests stem from our historical, conscientious and moral stance and some from our obligations brought about by the burdens on our shoulders. We will never stop standing with the oppressed, the disadvantaged, with what is right and just. We have stood with all our brothers and sisters, who have turned their eyes and hearts to us, in all regions from the Balkans to the Caucasus, from Asia to Africa, and we will continue to do so.”


“We have not and will not escape from any responsibility placed on our shoulders in Iraq, Syria, Libya, the Eastern Mediterranean and Azerbaijan,” President Erdoğan underscored. “We will give those, who do not give upon their dreams to remove us from this geography which we have defended as our homeland, when need be, at the cost of our lives, many more nightmares.”

“We will leave a powerful and prosperous Turkey to our children,” President Erdoğan said.

Noting that the terrorist organizations’ increasing attacks across the world and the COVID-19 pandemic at full steam have caused a state of panic in the world, President Erdoğan said: “We have seen that many states, which appeared to be very powerful, have shaken intensely in the face the terror and pandemic threat. States, which used to swagger up until recently by relying on their money, their weapons or the global structures they leaned their back against, are now struggling with deepening socio-economic problems. Those, who chastised other countries in the name of democracy, freedoms, rights and justice, are turning inwards with every passing day and are rapidly sinking into a quagmire of racism and discrimination. All the global and regional balances are rapidly collapsing to leave their places to new ones. Turkey, with its strong political and economic structure, is the rising star of the new global and regional quests. Every intelligent and conscientious person accepts that our country, despite some difficulties it is having, is positively distinguishing itself amid crises.”

Also touching upon the new measures taken against the COVID-19 pandemic and the works carried out for the domestic vaccine, President Erdoğan said: “It seems that the human trial stage will be reached within two weeks in the domestic vaccine works. We have also made a significant progress about the applicability of the works, carried out on a vaccine in the world, in our country. We hope to have taken concrete steps on this issue by the end of this year. Our goal is to completely resolve the vaccine issue until the next spring.”

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