President Erdoğan: We are determined to elevate our country and nation to the next league

President and Party’s Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan introduced Party’s mayoral candidates for Kocaeli and its districts at a gathering at Martyr Recep Topaloğlu Sports Hall.
Delivering a speech during the gathering, President Erdoğan said that Turkey has reached such a point in terms of both politics and economy that it will either make a good move and promote to an upper level or go back to its old days, and stressed: “We are determined to elevate our country and nation to the next league. See, a very important U.K. organization has made a statement that the U.S. will drop to the third and Turkey will rise to the fifth place by 2030. It is not us who say it, it is a U.K. financial services firm. Since we see that our nation has the same determination, too, we never hesitate to challenge the whole world when necessary.”
President Erdoğan stated that it is the great struggle they have been waging for the last five-six years that makes them look to the future much more confidently, and noted: “The progress we have made in democracy and economy is our greatest assurance in both having reached these days and achieving our goals. Since those who in the past directed Turkey with very simple political and economic games as they saw fit now see they cannot do it, they come and seek ways to get on with us.”
Underscoring that Turkey is not the old Turkey any more, President Erdoğan continued: “If Turkey was the old Turkey, the terror corridor in Syria would have been established today; Iraq would have been broken into pieces; and there would have been no traces of our ancient causes like Palestine and Bosnia.” President Erdoğan added that it is not them who say all this, but the politicians, representatives of non-governmental organizations, academics, businesspeople and everyone from the region and the world who they speak with on different occasions.
Touching upon the investments made in Kocaeli during AK Party administration, President Erdoğan recalled that they have made an investment of TL27 billion in the city throughout this period, and elaborated that among these investments are 10 670 new classrooms, a second university for the city, dormitories for 14 191 students, a 33 000-spectator stadium, youth centers, sports halls, swimming pools and 80 healthcare facilities.
Following his remarks, President Erdoğan introduced the AK Party’s mayoral candidate for Kocaeli, Tahir Büyükakın, and the party’s other mayoral candidates for the 12 districts of the city.