President Erdoğan: We are determined to take Turkey to 2023 in a more advanced and more prosperous state in every field

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed via videoconference the opening ceremony of Amasya Ring Road.
Drawing attention to the highest-level healthcare service Turkey has provided to its citizens and the newly-built facilities inaugurated in Turkey during the pandemic process, President Erdoğan said: “We have defended the rights and interest of our people and country as well as our friends on land, at sea and in the air inside and outside our borders. We have gone without any hesitation to everywhere, from Iraq and Syria to Libya and the Aegean, wherever there is a threat against our country, and shown our strength and determination. As we have one by one foiled the traps set against our economy, we have also proven with the support we have provided that we stand with our people from all walks of life.”
Pointing to what he called the opportunities before Turkey to acquire a very important position in the global political and economic system which he noted will be restructured in the post-pandemic era, President Erdoğan stated: “The steps we take in terms of our sovereign rights are generally approved and respected to except for some factitious objections. We already see that the aim of those countries that have made a big fuss in recent days is not Hagia Sophia or the Eastern Mediterranean but the very existence of the Turkish nation and Muslims in this geography. Everyone has started to gradually see this fact and balance their attitudes and rhetoric accordingly.”
The President further stressed: “We clearly warn those who display attitudes towards and speak against our country in a way that by no means complies with politics, diplomacy, common sense or wisdom: If you can afford to pay the prices we have paid, bring it on. If you do not have such an intention, open the channels of negotiation as soon as possible. We do not have an eye on anyone’s rights, lands, seas or natural resources. Yet, we will never allow anyone to encroach on our rights or interests, either.”
“We stand ready to evaluate and negotiate all kinds of proposals that are just, rational and ethical,” President Erdoğan stated, adding: “We actually show on the ground the response we will give to impositions and tyrannies. We will not hesitate to do more if need be. We are determined to take the Republic of Turkey to 2023, which will mark the 100th anniversary of its foundation, in a more advanced, more secure and more prosperous state in every field. Our doors and hearts are open to all friends that will walk together with us on this path. Those who try to nurture enmity towards, set trap against us or block our way, on the other hand, will unfortunately themselves lose.”