President Erdoğan: We are proud to have made great strides in every area from education to healthcare, from transportation to energy

President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke via videoconference at the party’s provincial congresses in in Bayburt, Giresun, Niğde and Zonguldak.
“We need to work harder, exert more effort, and struggle more to leave a great and powerful Turkey to our children where they will be able to realize their vision for 2053,” President Erdoğan said.
Noting that Turkey continued to advance on its path in a firm manner while developed and developing countries shook like a leaf as a result of the global political and economic change, President Erdoğan said: “What happened during the coronavirus pandemic has shown beyond doubt how positively the infrastructure, which we have built in our country in the last 18 years, has distinguished us positively at the international level.”
“We have worked to embrace all without excluding or otherizing anyone or discriminating among them due to their origin, disposition or sect,” President Erdoğan said.
“We are proud to have made great strides in our country in every area from education to healthcare, from transportation to energy, from sports to social state practices,” President Erdoğan underlined, and further remarked as follows: “We are also glad to have boosted Turkey’s prestige through honorable and determined policies.”