President Erdoğan: We can strengthen our economic and trade relations by eliminating the threats to our security and stability

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed via videoconference the 14th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).
Drawing attention to the grave damage the COVID-19 pandemic, which he noted has turned into a global crisis, has caused to economy and trade as well as healthcare, President Erdoğan said: “Only through strong solidarity and through global as well as regional cooperation can we achieve success in the fight against this global disaster.”
Underscoring that Turkey, during its term presidency, has focused on consolidating the organization and advancing regional cooperation, President Erdoğan noted: “We have continued our works despite the challenges of the global pandemic. As Turkey, we have put all our means at the disposal of the entire humanity as well as of our own citizens during this difficult period. With the belief of, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed,’ we have provided medical aid and support to 157 countries and 12 international organizations. We have also made great progress in the studies for a domestic and national vaccine.”
“We should work very hard in order to achieve the goal of 100-billion-dollar trade volume between the member countries,” President Erdoğan pointed out and added: “In this regard, it will be beneficial to immediately put into effect the Economic Cooperation Organization Trade Agreement, which has yet to be implemented for 17 years. ECOBANK, located in Istanbul, has become an important organization for the financing of the organization’s projects. I also consider it to be necessary to increase the corporate and financial capacities of ECOBANK so as to meet the increasing needs of the member countries. On this occasion, I once again call on to countries that are not members of ECOBANK to become a member of it.”
“We should always bear in mind that it is not possible for us to render the organization effective without a strong budget. We can strengthen our economic and trade relations by eliminating the threats to our security and stability,” President Erdoğan said.
Drawing attention to the victory Azerbaijan has achieved in its lands under Armenia’s occupation, President Erdoğan went on to say: “Our priority from now on is to contribute to the establishment of security and stability in Karabakh, and to repair the destruction caused by the 30-year-long occupation. I believe that we, as the organization, will be in full solidarity with Azerbaijan during this period. We also hope that Armenia will be a part of the regional stability by the peaceful steps it will take. I would like to reiterate that we never have and never will approve anti-democratic interventions which disregard the people’s will.”
President Erdoğan also called on all the member countries to enhance their relations with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in every field and help it overcome the injustices it is experiencing.