President Erdoğan: We declare Mardin an industrial zone

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke during a campaign rally in the province of Mardin in the run-up to the local elections scheduled for March 31, 2019.
Describing Mardin as the apple of the eye of not only Turkey but also the world, President Erdoğan stated that they are working to ensure that Mardin enjoys a bright future and to make it a milestone of the bridge extending from past to future.
Drawing attention to the 28 billion Turkish liras’ worth of investment made in Mardin over the past 17 years in a wide range of areas including education, healthcare, construction, transportation and tourism, President Erdoğan underlined that they revived the areas that had been razed to the ground by the separatist terrorist organization.
“We are now declaring Mardin an industrial zone,” President Erdoğan further stressed, and added: “We are thus making the city an important center of attraction for domestic and foreign investors. High-value added production will add to the strength of Mardin.”