President Erdoğan: We have made Turkey a global hub in healthcare

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the 6th Turkish Medical World Congress.
The safe zones established as a result of lengthy efforts and sacrifices are the most peaceful and livable places in Syria today, the Turkish president said Thursday.
"Turkey was left alone at nearly every step taken during the Syrian crisis," Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said at a gathering in Istanbul.
Erdoğan stressed those who did nothing except erecting barbed wires for Syrian refugees in the last eight years, continue blocking efforts to ease "homesickness" of the refugees.
He reiterated that Turkey’s expenditure on refugees for the period of over 8.5 years has exceeded $40 billion, while support from the EU through NGOs was €3 billion ($3.3 billion) only.
"We did not provide all these services with any expectation, but as our human and moral responsibilities," he added.
Erdoğan went on saying that unsolicited "advice" was the only support which Turkey received from the international community.
"The mentality which considers a drop of oil more valuable than a drop of blood sees nothing but its own interest in Syria and around the world. When we look around, we see only humans, souls and life," he said, adding that this is what differentiates Turkey from others.
He also noted that the average life expectancy in Syria, which has suffered major devastations, has declined from 73 to 63.
The president also wished God’s mercy upon 65 people who lost their lives in a train accident in Pakistan, and wished speedy recovery to those wounded.
A deadly fire broke out on a passenger train in the northeast Pakistan on Thursday morning.