President Erdoğan: We have mobilized all our means in order for our youth to receive quality education

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the publicity meeting of the Council of Higher Education’s (YÖK) Anadolu Project at the Presidential Complex.
Stating that according to UNESCO’s data, Turkey is one of the 10 countries that attract the most foreign students to their universities, President Erdoğan underscored that the competition for quality in higher education is a never-ending process, and said: “We attach importance to such new initiatives and new projects as the YÖK Anadolu Project. We have mobilized all our means in order for our youth to receive quality education.”
Recalling that Turkey became a member of the Bologna Process, launched to create the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), in 2001, President Erdoğan, referring to the report published at the last EHEA Ministerial Conference, hosted by Italy, said Turkey ranks first in Europe in terms of the number of higher education students according to that report, and that necessary steps will be taken in the period ahead to increase Turkey’s competitive capacity within the EHEA.