President Erdoğan: We have worked very hard day and night for 40 years to improve and enrich our cities

President and Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the party’s campaign rally in Çorum in the run-up to the local elections scheduled for March 31, 2019.
During his address, President Erdoğan made the following remarks: “Alhamdulillah, we have been in politics for 40 years. We have for 40 years been at your disposal with our works and sincerity as well as with our efforts and struggles. We have worked very hard day and night for 40 years to reinvigorate Turkey and to improve and enrich our cities.”
Also touching upon the investments made in Çorum over the past 17 years, President Erdoğan underlined that they have made an investment of 15.5 billion liras in Çorum throughout this period, and elaborated that among these investments are 1 520 new classrooms, Hitit University, number of students of which he stressed have reached 18 000, university dormitories for 5 146 students, 18 healthcare facilities, 15 of which he underlined are hospitals, and 6 286 residential units.