President Erdoğan: With its 1.8% growth rate in 2020, Turkey ranks second after China

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sent a video message to the launching event of Sustainable Development Goals Investor Map Turkey, prepared by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD), held during the Policy Dialogue Event at the Bosphorus Summit in Istanbul.
President Erdoğan said: “The growth, employment, trade and other figures of 2020 demonstrate the large-scale destruction caused by the pandemic to the global economy. Economies shrank, investments fell and unemployment rates hit record high in the year we left behind. Due to the economic and social policies we have implemented, Turkey is one of the rare countries that got through the first year of the pandemic with the least damage. Thanks to our strong healthcare infrastructure, we have provided all our citizens with all kinds of healthcare services, from test to treatment, for free. We have delivered medical aid and support to 157 countries and 12 international organizations during their most difficult times.”
President Erdoğan further stressed: “With its 1.8% growth rate in 2020, Turkey ranks second after China. We have achieved similar successes in terms of export and industrial production as well. In addition to this, we see that foreign capital inflows to our country have increased in the recent period. We are determined to maintain this momentum in the period ahead as well.”