“The fight against terrorist organizations that target turkey will continue anywhere”

Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın made statements and answered reporters’ questions in a press conference at the Presidential Complex following the meeting of the Presidential Cabinet.
“I am here to get your questions following the ninth meeting of the Presidential Cabinet held today under Mr. President’s chairmanship. But, first of all, I would like to share a couple of issues on the agenda with you. Four presentations under three main topics were made during today’s cabinet meeting. Firstly, our Minister of Justice made a presentation regarding the sharing of the new strategy document they prepared within the framework of the new judicial reform strategy. This, as you know, is a new judicial reform strategy that the Ministry of Justice prepared following the comprehensive negotiations it held for some time with the participation of people from every walk of life. Mr. Minister made the first presentation ever regarding this issue during today’s cabinet meeting. Public consultations and workshops on this issue, and the study which is carried out by people from every walk of life and which comprehensively focusses on the reform of the judicial system, making it more active, quicker distribution of justice, relieving the burden on the judiciary and other topics, will continue. When the study is completed, the final form will be presented to Mr. President and shared with the public. Both a presentation and a consultation were made on this issue.
Right after that, two security presentations regarding internal and external threats were made, first of which by the Ministry of Interior and the latter by the National Intelligence Organization. The current state of things concerning different terrorist organizations’ threats to our country with regard to internal and external security; evaluations; and next strategies were thoroughly discussed.
Similarly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ presentation on the regional and global developments was also delivered.
Within the framework of these presentations, as you have recently followed closely, we are all together following the latest developments occurred after the U.S. decision to withdraw from Syria in a comprehensive manner, and we had the opportunity to thoroughly discuss this issue during today’s cabinet meeting.
At this point, I see benefit in emphasizing that Turkey, as Mr. President expressed during his opening speech, will continue to carry out the necessary works on its internal and external security measures in a comprehensive manner without giving rise to a slightest hesitation. “Turkey will continue to be both on the ground and at the table, using all the tools of soft and hard power, of politics and diplomacy. Under Mr. President’s leadership, we will continue to ensure our country’s interests and the security of lives and properties of our citizens anywhere and anytime by mobilizing smart power elements. The fight against terror and terrorist organizations that target Turkey will continue anywhere, be it in Syria, in Iraq or in other regions. This could be the PKK terrorist organization or its Syrian branch YPG/PYD, or the FETO terrorist organization, the DAESH terrorist organization, or the DHKP-C terrorist organization. The fight against all these organizations will continue with determination in the weeks ahead by mobilizing all means and capabilities, especially during these days in which we have entered the electoral period. Needless to say, Turkey, as it take steps on regional issues, can consult with or establish coordination with its neighbors, allies and partners on specific issues. Yet, when it comes to taking steps, Turkey, as a sovereign country, makes its decisions independently and implement them within the framework of its national interests.
Of course, as these works on security continue, Mr. President has also a heavy traffic regarding internal politics, particularly the local elections; this traffic also continues, and will continue from now on, as well. Mr. President’s visits to provinces will continue, but in the meantime we will have a foreign visit. Mr. President will pay a one-day visit to Moscow, Russia next week on Wednesday January 23 to especially coordinate with Russians the situation that emerged following the U.S. withdrawal decision. We will also have the opportunity to thoroughly discuss both the Syrian issue and bilateral issues like energy, economy, trade and transportation. Likewise, our country continues to host a series of visits by foreign leaders. We will host Croatian President this week, and in early February Greek Prime Minister is expected to visit our country. We will continue to share with you these developments or these programmes as they become clearer.”