"Turkey favors diplomacy and dialogue in the settlement of Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus issues"

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan chaired the National Security Council meeting at the Presidential Complex.
According to the written statement issued following the meeting,
“The impacts on our country of the political, military, economic and social developments that took place in the world and in our region in 2020 were thoroughly evaluated within the framework of internal and external issues that are important in terms of our national security, and the developments that might take place in 2021 and possible steps regarding them were discussed.
The Council was briefed on the operations that are carried out both at home and abroad with success, perseverance and determination against all forms of threats and dangers against our national unity and solidarity, particularly against PKK/KCK-PYD/YPG, FETO and DAESH terrorist organizations.
The steps taken to end the presence in our southern neighbors’ territories of terrorist organizations, the principal cause of stability in our region, were discussed, and all the international actors that are a party to the issue were called on to fulfill their responsibilities.
It was stressed once again that Turkey primarily favors diplomacy and dialogue at every platform in the settlement of Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus issues, but that it is also determined to protect its rights, relevance and interests emanating from international law and agreements.
The acts of terror and violence that are on the rise in many countries across various regions and in Africa, especially in Somalia, a friendly and brotherly country for the stability of which we have been making great efforts, were condemned, and it was stated that Turkey will continue to fulfill its responsibilities for the establishment of peace, stability and prosperity.”