“Türkiye is becoming a main hub of peace diplomacy”

Addressing AK Party’s parliamentary group meeting, President Erdoğan said: “As Türkiye, we are carrying not only the banner of benevolence, but also the climate of peace and security across the world, especially to oppressed regions. We are turning Türkiye into a main hub of peace diplomacy, elevating it beyond being a source of stability in its region.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the party’s parliamentary group meeting.
“We are going through a difficult period of tensions, wars and infighting both in our region and in different corners of the world. Our Sudanese brothers and sisters have been struggling in a vortex of instability for a long time. We see that Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan are facing very serious challenges. The ceasefire in Gaza, which was reached after very long negotiations, continues, albeit with difficulty, despite all the spoiled acts and violations of the Zionist regime. In Syria, where 14 years of oppression came to an end with the December 8 revolution, a new fire of sectarian sedition is being tried to be ignited,” President Erdoğan said.
“As Türkiye, we are carrying not only the banner of benevolence, but also the climate of peace and security across the world, especially to oppressed regions. We have started to reap the rewards of the efforts we made with the maxim that ‘A fairer world is possible’. We are turning Türkiye into a main hub of peace diplomacy, elevating it beyond being a source of stability in its region,” President Erdoğan said.
“Those, who tried to divide us as Turkish-Kurdish, secular-anti-secular, progressive-reactionary, Alevi-Sunni for years, are now pursuing different scenarios in recent days. An extremely insidious, extremely dirty scheme is being devised against the brotherhood of our nation by citing the terrorist acts by the remnants of the old regime in Syria. With this scheme, a dastardly assassination is also being organized against the spirit and the will to live together, embodied in our National Anthem. With provocative politics, hate speech, provocative statements, most of which are lies and distortions, a new problematic area, a new area of chaos is tried to be created in Türkiye,” President Erdoğan said.
“While we are solving a 40-year-old problem of our country through our efforts in line with the goal of a terror-free Türkiye; creating new fault lines that can be exploited is, let me say this clearly and unequivocally, serving imperialism. Whoever rises to the bait of imperialism and targets the brotherhood of this nation, will find us, our state and 85 million people, standing against him. Because we have seen this plot many times in the last 22 years. We have seen this dirty game before on May 27, March 12 memorandum, September 12 coup, February 28 postmodern coup, and the bloody and nefarious paths leading to them. We have seen this kind of rhetoric in the attempts to intervene in our democracy and economy, in all kinds of traps aiming to drag Türkiye into a quagmire of instability. We have seen this abominable scenario before in Maraş, Çorum, Sivas, Gazi neighborhood and elsewhere. I say this once again to those who pursue the same ambitions: You will not succeed anymore. You will not be able to harm our brotherhood. You will not be able to prevent us from our goal of the Century of Türkiye. You will not be able to confine this nation to its own internal agenda again by scratching the internal dynamics of our country. Inshallah, this time you will not be able to kick Türkiye out of the global race for democracy and development,” President Erdoğan said.
“As our world turns into a giant village with globalization, we are increasingly exposed to the negative effects of neoliberal culture. One of the most important institutions targeted by global culture is the family and family values. First, I have to underline one point here; No matter what modern opinion leaders dictate, in our understanding, the family is the nucleus, the core, the assurance of the future of the country and the nation. It is not possible for a society, where there is no family, where the family is disintegrated and family values are damaged, to look to its future with confidence and hope. The family is the primary school of human beings, the human being learns tolerance, respect and love in the family. Honesty, hard work and patriotism are learned in the family. They learn to tolerate differences, patience, solidarity and patriotism in the family. It is in the family that they learn to respect the rights of others and not to encroach on what is not rightfully yours. In this respect, the family is not only the foundation of society but also the most important pillar that supports the country,” President Erdoğan said.