“We determinedly continue on our path with the goal of a fully-independent Türkiye in energy”

Speaking at the Istanbul Energy Forum, President Erdoğan said: “We neglect no area and determinedly continue on our path with the goal of a fully-independent Türkiye in energy, too, without concerning ourselves with the pressures and criticisms coming from pseudo-environmentalist marginal groups. No matter who says what, we are determined to make sure our country is not dependent on anyone in any field, including energy.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the Istanbul Energy Forum.
“Energy, along with transportation and communication, is the engine of development,” said President Erdoğan. “Energy is also the first condition for industrialization and growth. Access to sufficient, high-quality and clean energy at reasonable prices and in an uninterrupted manner, that is to say ‘energy supply security’, is of critical importance for all countries, developing and developed alike.”
Crises that have broken out in the region in recent history have repeatedly demonstrated the vital importance of energy supply security for national economies, stated President Erdoğan. “The war between Russia and Ukraine, which has passed its 1,000th day, attests to the risks of foreign dependency in energy. Türkiye has been one of the countries that have overcome this turbulent period with ease thanks to its balanced relations with both of the warring parties. Our European friends, however, have felt the energy crisis triggered by the war firsthand and experienced immense hardships.”
President Erdoğan continued his remarks as follows: “We should understand that even though there is currently no ongoing crisis in energy supply, it is still important to be always prepared about energy supply security. In keeping with this understanding, we have built our energy policies on ensuring energy supply security without causing any harm to nature, which is actually entrusted to us by our children.”
Noting that the Turkish economy has been growing uninterruptedly for the past 14 years despite all the problems in the region and in global economy, President Erdoğan said: “We will inshallah continue to grow above the global average. As the Turkish economy grows, our population expands, our nation’s prosperity rises and our industrialization increases, our need for energy also increases year by year. Considering that we shall never compromise on economic growth and our nation’s prosperity, or on our country’s development and industrialization, we have apparently no other way out but to unlock all the resources in our possession.”
Stressing that Türkiye endeavors to make the best use of the nation’s potential in every field, from mining to oil, from natural gas to wind and solar energy, President stated: “We neglect no area and determinedly continue on our path with the goal of a fully-independent Türkiye in energy, too, without concerning ourselves with the pressures and criticisms coming from pseudo-environmentalist marginal groups. No matter who says what, we are determined to make sure our country is not dependent on anyone in any field, including in energy.”
Pointing out that Türkiye conducts exploration activities not only in Türkiye but also abroad in the area of gold mining, President Erdoğan stated: “We are planning to start production in one of the gold fields in Niger in by 2025. Recently, we have made an important discovery in rare earth elements, which are considered a strategically important resource for advanced technology, particularly for defense industry. We have discovered the world’s second largest rare earth elements reserve in Beylikova, Eskişehir. We aim to develop our production in this field and become a significant supplier. Fossil energy resources, on the other hand, maintain their dominance in energy despite the rising reactions. Türkiye has been making major strides in this area as well. In natural gas and oil, we have built one of the world’s most modern exploration and production fleets, including four deep-sea drilling ships and two seismic research ships as well as other support vessels.”
Noting that during the COP29 World Leaders Climate Action Summit in Baku, they have once again seen closely the frightening dimensions the issues of climate change and environment have reached, President Erdoğan said: “The notion of growth at any cost has no place in our culture or civilization. In the last century, our world suffered immensely from the mentality that considered a drop of oil more valuable than the human blood flowing in streams.”
Stressing that human life, freedoms and justice are also being disregarded while energy resources are being controlled by the hands of dictators, putschists and tyrants, President Erdoğan stated: “It is impossible for this cruel system, built upon exploitation and greed, to continue in the 21st century. Without valuing humanity and the environment, global economy cannot prosper, energy security cannot be ensured, world peace cannot be achieved. We must keep in mind that while fulfilling our own needs, we must also leave a cleaner and more livable world to future generations. In every area, including in energy, we pursue human-focused policies of utmost responsibility that cause no harm to nature.”
Drawing attention to the enormous investments Türkiye has made in clean and renewable energy over the past 22 years, President Erdoğan said: “We implement megaprojects in various fields such as wind, geothermal, solar and nuclear energy. We have increased renewable energy’s share in our total installed energy capacity to 60 percent, which makes us fifth in Europe and 11th in the world. Our goal is to be among top three in renewable energy in Europe and top nine in the world by 2025. We will inshallah increase our installed wind and solar energy capacity from 31 thousand megawatts at the present to 120 thousand megawatts by 2035.”