“We will never allow any threat to Turkey from the east of the Euphrates”

Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın made statements and answered reporters’ questions in a press conference at the Presidential Complex following the meeting of the Presidential Cabinet.
“The issue of security was addressed during the meeting in two topics as internal and external security. In this respect, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Intelligence Organization made presentations. In addition to these, Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank made a presentation on the domesticity rate of the products used in Turkey.
Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar gave detailed information regarding internal and external threats. He especially underlined that Turkey will determinedly continue to fight against terrorist threats, be it in Syria, Iraq or in other regions.
And, as you know, a delegation from the Ministry of National Defense went to Russia this week. Our talks with the Russian side to particularly discuss the safe zone, Idlib and other issues continue in an intensive manner, and will continue in the days ahead.
As Mr. President pointed out yesterday in a televised interview, he will personally attend the summit to be held in Sochi on February 14. As you know, this mechanism was previously formed, and we will thoroughly discuss Syria, Idlib and the Astana Process in particular.
The issue of the safe zone is of importance at this point. We continue to talk about this issue with Americans, Russians, and other stakeholders, I mean, Iranians and other stakeholders. As you know, this issue is one of the important topics of our security and foreign policy agendas. We know that following Mr. Trump’s withdrawal decision, the military units of the U.S. administration have made some plannings on this issue. And, we, as you know, have received some delegations here, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu is going to Washington tomorrow to follow the issue and participate in the Turkey-Syria coordination meetings there.
Our main expectation on this issue, as you know, is that the steps that will ensure Turkey’s national security be taken. As you know, with regard to the safe zone to be created there, such figures as 30, 35 kilometers have been voiced. We have laid out our principles on how, with which modalities and with what kind of a military presence we will do this. This zone should be under Turkey’s control, not under the control of any other power.
As Mr. President stated, we believe that the only power that will ensure security in this zone, as well, is Turkey and the Turkish Armed Forces, with our past experiences. All relevant units, be it military or intelligence, of the Republic of Turkey have already thus far proven, be it in Jarabulus region, Afrin region or Idlib region, that it has the means and the capabilities to ensure security for everyone. Therefore, in order to implement a similar model in Manbij and the east of the Euphrates, our main expectation is that this area be under Turkey’s control. Turkey will never allow it to be a shield or a camouflage under the name of SDF for terrorist organizations like PYD/YPG. If there is anyone who has such thoughts, we advise them to abandon their thoughts.
Because, in the past one and a half years, we have been faced with many delaying tactics concerning this issue. Our determination with regard to this terrorist organization, the Syrian extensions of PKK, is quite clear. In fact both Director of National Intelligence Organization and Minister of Foreign Affairs addressed these issues during their presentations. So, this issue will be on our agenda, and we will continue our discussions on this issue with both Americans and Russians. But, like I said, we will never allow any threat, any terror risk to occur again from this region to Turkey. I would like to reiterate that we are determined on this issue.
As you know, the Greek Prime Minister will pay an official visit to Turkey tomorrow. The first leg of this visit, which has been planned as a two-day visit, will take place in Ankara tomorrow. Mr. Tsipras will first be welcomed by Vice President Fuat Oktay and hold a meeting with him, and later on Mr. President will receive him.
Of course, we have a wide agenda of issues with Greece. We will have a busy agenda tomorrow on our bilateral, trade and economic relations as well as on the developments in the Aegean Sea, energy, the Turkish Stream Project, the Turkish minority in the western Thrace, the Greek minority living in Turkey, the Aegean Sea, the Mediterranean continental shelf, islands and on all these issues. Mr. Tsipras’ remarks he made during an interview with Anadolu Agency today before coming here are pleasing, and the remarks show that he has a positive and well-intentioned approach. We are of the belief that the tomorrow’s talks will be held within this framework.
I would just like to point out on this occasion that our Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of National Defense underlined today during their presentations that Turkey will continue to display its determined stance, which it has thus far done so, with regard to protecting its fundamental rights emanating from its sovereign rights in the Aegean Sea, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Everyone should know that Turkey will not tolerate any fait accompli, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean, no matter by whom it is imposed.
In that, the Mediterranean can become a sea of peace is only by exploring, drilling and sharing the resources in an equal and fair manner. We would like to reiterate that the Greek side seeking to create de facto situations especially within the framework of the agreements it has made with specific countries for this and that reason is a futile effort, and that Turkey will by no means accept it.
The Republic of Turkey has signed a series of agreements with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus within the framework of the international law, and our Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, as you know, carries out exploration works in the areas allocated to itself around Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean. We foresee that the drilling works will soon begin, these works will continue. I would like to reiterate that the approaches which seek, so to speak, to enclose Turkey in Antalya gulf are unacceptable to us.
Another issue is that Mr. President, as you know, hosted the King of Jordan yesterday at Vahdettin Mansion. Jordan is our ally and a brotherly and friendly country with which we have very good relations. Our bilateral trade relations, the reinstatement of the free trade deal, the Palestinian issue and other regional issues, first and foremost Syria, were thoroughly discussed here. We will maintain our close contact with Jordan from now on, as well.
I would like to add a couple of things regarding the Syrian issue. We have just focused on the east of the Euphrates, but I would like to reiterate our call on the implementation of the Manbij roadmap. We have long been negotiating this issue with American officials. In fact, this agreement or the roadmap should have been implemented by now. Delaying tactics are to no one’s benefit.
As two allies and two NATO member countries, it is of crucial importance for our bilateral relations, the security of the region and for the process in Syria that the Manbij roadmap be immediately implemented without further delay. This issue will definitely be discussed in a comprehensive manner during our Minister of Foreign Affairs’ visit tomorrow. But, I would especially like to underline that both Mr. President’s will and Turkey’s expectation is that this roadmap be immediately implemented.”
Question: “According to foreign press an agreement has allegedly been reached with the U.S. regarding the safe zone. Is that true? If yes, at what points an agreement has been reached?”
Presidential Spokesperson Kalın: “Firstly, I would like to point out that the reports claiming that an agreement has been reached are not true, the negotiations on this issue are still continuing. Like I said in the beginning, I would like to reiterate that we categorically deny the approaches that seek to turn this area ─ through a fait accompli ─ into a buffer zone which, so to speak, protect the PYD/YPG terrorist organization. This area will be a safe zone, not a buffer zone to be created to protect this or that terrorist organization. Turkey will never allow it; it is impossible for us to accept.
As a matter of fact, what lies at the essence of the ongoing negotiations with our U.S. counterparts is this. The safe zone declared by Mr. Trump as 20 miles aims to protect Turkey, Turkey’s border and the Syrians living in that region. If anyone makes some plans with a different thought, with a different motive, they should know that Turkey will never approve them.
We see that some ideas are put forward that not Turks but an international power be deployed in that region. I mean, frankly speaking, the fact that the relevant units are still complicating this issue despite Mr. Trump’s will makes us think, as well. We find it difficult to understand with what motives and aims they make such statements and work out on such plans. The issue is not that hard, we have repeatedly pointed that out.
There had not been a terrorist organization called YPG/PYD which controlled such areas and had this many armed men in Syria until the U.S. provided military support to YPG/PYD during the Obama administration. I mean there had not been such an organization that had this kind of power up until three years ago. After the U.S. protection and support is gone, there will not be such an organization in Syria, either. Neither Syria nor the Syrian people will lose anything when that happens. The Syrian Kurds will be liberated. The Arabs, Turkmens, Assyrians, Arameans will be liberated. Just like we have done in Jarabulus, Azaz, Afrin and Idlib, we can restore safety and stability in these areas in cooperation with the local people and legitimate opposition elements. No one needs a terrorist organization like the YPG/PYD and its tools. We often see such remarks in the U.S. media as ‘we cannot abandon our allies who have been fighting with us against DAESH’. If they have such concerns, they must know that a terrorist organization cannot be defeated by supporting another one. It will eventually come back to hit you like a boomerang.
During our talks here, I explicitly asked my counterparts during our talks here: ‘What is your ultimate goal and plan with regard to the YPG/PYD?’ They could not answer that. Temporarily, they say, ‘we have an interaction’. ‘We have established a relationship in context of the fight against DAESH and we will maintain that relationship within that framework and we will end it within that framework’. Then we say ‘Now that the fight against DAESH is over, that DAESH has been cleared from the Syrian lands at the rate of 97-98 percent, why do you still maintain this relationship?’ They cannot answer that question. Therefore, the purpose and the scope of the safe zone is clear. To us, it is crystal clear. We will continue to discuss the issue with the Americans and the Russians within this framework.”
Question: “The U.S. and Russia have suspended their involvement in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). How are we to assess this development? What is Turkey’s view of it? Is the world proceeding on the course of a new escalation of arms race?”
Presidential Spokesperson Kalın: “It is worrying that the U.S. and Russia have reciprocally withdrawn from the INF Treaty. Let me summarize the treaty in one sentence or two for the knowledge of the public; Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, respectively the Presidents of the US and the USSR at the time, signed the treaty in 1987, prohibiting missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. As a result of the INF Treaty, nearly 2500 intermediate-range missiles were destroyed within as short a span of time as 4 months.
That has brought about security and stability in Europe and Russia as well as in our region over the past some 30 years. The Russians and the Americans are now accusing one another of violating the treaty. It is worrying that both of the parties have now withdrawn from the treaty. It is of course worrisome for all that a possibility or an atmosphere of a new arms race or of a new nuclear armament has now emerged at a time when the entire world should rather be cleared of all the nuclear and chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction. We call on all the parties to diplomatically engage with each other and take a step to revise or update the treaty, if needed, and to adopt a course of action that will eliminate all the weapons of mass destruction, whether they be medium range or long range.”
Question: “11 F-16 pilots have been detained in an operation against the FETO conducted by the Office of the Chief Public Prosecutor of Ankara. How do you comment on the fact that there are still FETO members within the air force while Turkey is discussing possible operations?”
Presidential Spokesperson Kalın: “First of all, you need to view the detainment of the 11 pilots in terms of the principles of the rule of law. The fact that there are still FETO members after two and a half year since the coup attempt, that they have been detained, arrested, and that the legal process has begun shows that the threat still remains. Mr. President’s remarks yesterday that ‘we cannot say it is completely eliminated’ also affirms this fact.
The second important point here is that it reaffirms that the Republic of Turkey is a state of law. I mean the investigations go on, the cases are built, and in accordance with the findings, the prosecutor’s office demands that these people be detained. Then, these people are transferred to the court where they are delivered a ruling. No one is detained or removed from office arbitrarily without any evidence. The investigation into the aforementioned persons have continued up until today, the cases have been built and the decision to apprehend them has been made.
I would like to underline that Turkey is fully determined to fight against the FETO. We recently have been seeing that the FETO is conducting certain propaganda activities, smear campaigns against Turkey in order to hold its own base. We are closely monitoring the speculative, false news, even the perception management operations they carry out by occasionally paying off TV shows in the U.S. to add certain lines in the script. We clearly see who their target is and where it emanates from.
Such activities no longer attract people in Turkey. FETO no longer has the capability to conduct an operation in Turkey in this sense. However, in order to hold together their own base, we know that they have mobilized certain circles abroad, had them write pieces, books and hold meetings against Turkey. It serves noting other than further deepening their guilt. Rest assured that they cannot keep a dying organization, which is supposed to die anyway, alive through such futile efforts.
We as the Republic of Turkey, with our citizens, state bodies, NGOs, business circles and all relevant units will continue to stand against this malignant organization.”
Question: “Mr. President said yesterday during his TV interview that there was some positive news about Manbij. You have reiterated the call to not further delay the Manbij roadmap. What is the positive news? Is there a concrete step, a movement toward the east of the Euphrates as Turkey demands?
Presidential Spokesperson Kalın: “Mr. President made that remark about the news brought by the delegation from the Ministry of National Defense which paid a visit to Moscow. If you recall, there are some regime elements in the Arima region outside Manbij. There had been some reports that ‘regime elements conducted joint patrols with Russian forces and PYD members’. We confirmed it with the Russians that these reports are untrue.
We have agreed with the Russians on implementing the roadmap in that region as discussed with the Americans. However, it is the Americans who should take a step here. As you know, we conducted separate patrols, then joint patrols but they are all in the past now. We need to take the next step. All PYD/YPG elements in Manbij must pull out of the city and cross to the east of the Euphrates so that we can take over the security in Manbij. This will also be one of the focal points of Mr. Foreign Minister’s talks tomorrow in Washington D.C. We hope we will all see that steps to fully implement the roadmap will be taken in the upcoming days without further delay.”
Question: “Mr. President said yesterday there were low-level contacts with the Syrian regime. Likewise, we hear Russia exerting pressure for the establishment of contacts between Turkey and the regime. Does Turkey intend to increase the level of these contacts or is it to maintain its current stance as a matter of principle?”
Presidential Spokesperson Kalın: “Let me first underline that it is out of the question for any country, be it Russia or any other country, to exert pressure on Turkey concerning any issue. They may put forward some proposals and advices but any kind of pressure is out of the question.
Our stance on the Syrian regime has always been loud and clear from the very beginning. We continue to take part in both the Geneva process and the Astana process in order for steps to be taken with a view to ensuring Syria’s territorial integrity. It is our top priority that a political structure shall be forged which will embrace all of the Syrian people regardless of whether they are Arabs, Kurds, Sunnis, Alevis, Christians or Muslims and which will pave the way for a peaceful future for them. In our eyes, the Assad regime has lost its legitimacy and is incapable of promising that peaceful future. A regime which have claimed so many lives and spilled so much blood cannot assume such a role.
As regards the issue of getting in contact with the regime; as Mr. President said in his speech, to which your question refers to, and as I also stated in a press conference or two in answer to questions, our intelligence units may get in contact with various centers, including with Damascus or with the elements of the regime in Al-Hasakah and Qamishli, for the success of the operations which they conduct on the ground in Syria for Turkey’s security. There is nothing to be surprised about this. Yet, that doesn’t mean recognizing the regime as legitimate. It is rather an operational relationship.
As I said, we will continue our political efforts embracing the whole of Syria on the basis of its territorial integrity and political unity with a view to ensuring a better future for the Syrian people. What is more, as Mr. President underlines at every opportunity, we will continue to be both at the table and on the ground.”